You're right, but the ravings of these idiots notwithstanding, something has definitely gone wrong between men and women, boys and girls, and I believe I am typing on the problem right now. When I was young, we were also insecure, didn't know how to approach women, harbored idiotic fantasies born of the massive inflow of testosterone you get as a young man. But we didn't have this satanic machine to spend 18 hours a day with, so we went outside, where girls, who also didn't have this satanic machine to spend all day with, were also wandering around because they also didn't have the seductively un-threatening computer to hide behind. It took two hours for us to walk the half mile home from school with a pack of other kids. We had community center dances, and parties, and people gathered in the basement rec-rooms of kids who's parents were foolish enough to leave them unsupervised. Boys and girls got to know each other. The striking thing about young people today is the absence of all of that. There is school, organized activities, and the phone/computer. That's it. I haven't seen middle class kids traveling in packs, on foot or on bicycle, hanging out together in decades. It's gone, and it is bizarrely un-remarked upon. Boys not only don't have the opportunity to interact informally with girls, they don't even interact much with other boys. The digital Pied Piper has stolen all the kids away, and it's quiet outside.