Yes, of course. And you do see this ancient idiocy even today. And yes, there is indeed a lot of contempt around for women who have had many parters. But I think you very much overestimate the difference between men and women's attitudes toward men who do the same. Admiration and respect for promiscuous male players is mostly a teenage thing, and even among teenagers, it's the exception. Men, young and old, do to some extent admire other men who are lucky in love and attractive to women, but most men find excessive man-whoring morally sketchy and emotionally immature, and most men are more forgiving than you might imagine of women who have a similar history. In our understandable passion for equality of the sexes, people often over-emphasize the equality part and forget that an excessive number of partners is emotionally destructive to both sexes as well as for the third-parties. For both sexes, every lover comes at an emotional cost that adds up over time. Love is good, but each time, it takes a piece of your heart.