"X is trash" is an illiberal statement for any value of X. None of us think we're subject to the prejudices of our age. None of us. These kinds of broad-brush hatreds are whipped up by people whose interest the hatred serves, and the haters never, as far as I know, think their hatred is unjustified. There are also a lot of particular reasons why this "men are trash" is a fools motto. For one thing, the trashy behavior is largely performed by a relatively small number of guys who do it over and over. So one tends to get a very unfair image of what is typical. This is extraordinarily true with men, and more true now than ever. Electronic media have made the world a playground for a certain type of guy, and all but excluded a huge slice of the male population. A few players might have sex with several hundred women, or more, in a life time of being a dog. It would be unremarkable for one of that male group to have more different sex partners in a month than the great majority of men have in a lifetime (here in the US something like six to eight depending on the study.) The average lifetime 'body count' As far as infidelity goes, is a nonsense number. The median is much smaller. That said, for every man having sex, there's someone else having sex with him. Gay people are only 3-5% of the population, so for practical purposes, I think we're talking about men running around on women, correct? Well, there has to be approximately one woman behaving badly for every man behaving badly. The sexual morals of men and women cannot be very different in terms of the mean number of infidelities. Of course, a tiny number of women could be getting all the action, but I don't think that's probably the case. I personally know of zero cases where the unfaithful man was not unfaithful with either a married woman or a woman who knew he was married. I'm sure it happens, but the math is pretty hard to beat. And as far as courting women with money, presents, etc., so what? Women court men with beauty and the fertility which is symbolizes, men court women with their ability to provide, as symbolized by money and power. It doesn't make anyone a villain.