What initially attracts a women to a man and what keeps a woman with a man aren't necessarily the same thing. Men overestimate the attractive power of money. They see guys with money getting the ladies, and assume the women are attracted to the money, but I think what's really happening is that the personality traits that succeed in the money world are very similar to the personality traits that make a man attractive to women. It's not that complicated. Confidence and intelligence in a man are attractive traits. Attractive to women, attractive to other men, to children, to dogs, for that matter. In my experience, after confidence, being funny is the other trait that is common to men that women go for. It is possible that many women might be more inclined to marry a man with money, but they are much more likely to date a guy who is funny, confident, and intelligent. The biggest relationship poison is bitterness. It's not just women who hate it. Other men hate it too. A guy who describes himself as an "incel" is advertising that he's bitter, not confident, and has no sense of humor. So it's not hard to see why they aren't getting the girls.