"Unemployable" might be the wrong word. "Ill suited for corporate life" might be better. Corporations seem to be incredibly inefficient, yet they have produced almost all of the unprecedented wealth that society enjoys. They're rather like democratic politics, which is said to be the worst possible form of government except for all the others. If the world were filled with people with your offbeat personality, other forms of organization might work better, but as it is, organizations have to function in a world where 50% of people have a two-digit IQ, people have wildly different motivations, criminal minds and shirkers are liberally distributed, foolishness abounds, and people are almost all engaged in furthering their own interests, and most importantly, only a tiny minority are natural leaders. Any form of organization can spin gold out of gold. The problem is spinning it out of straw. Literally nobody on earth knows how to build a jet airplane, or a car, or a launch vehicle, or an iPhone, or a micro-chip. Yet, corporations marshal vast legions of people who on average are, well, average, to get these things done. To me, your self description sounds like an entrepreneur/founder type more than a worker bee.