There has always been porn, but people of a certain age (like me) grew to adulthood in a world where you had to go way out of your way to find it. There were porn novels (how quaint) and hard-to-get magazines, depressing red-light district movie theaters, and 8mm film to play at home on a projector. By the time I was in my mid-twenties in the late Seventies, I'd seen a life-time total of perhaps five minutes of almost unwatchably bad 8mm porn. Nobody imagined a world in which an almost infinite quantity and variety of porn with production values as good as real movies had back then would be piped for free into almost every home in the country. I agree it's a psychological disaster for all concerned for the reasons you put forth but one other problem often gets short shrift. People watching are aware that they are vicariously participating in what is in effect and often in fact a crime by and against the performers. This erodes the spirit in ways that are independent of abusing the dopamine reward system. Whether the net effect of porn is to increase real-world crime by viewers is debatable, but there can be no doubt that it immerses viewers in a world of fantasy evil that ranges from bad manners to overt criminality.