Somehow, these same people never seem to have an opinion about the half dozen other places in the world where Muslims are dying, because the people doing the killing aren't Jews. At some point it becomes fair to say they aren't pro-Palestine as much as they are anti-Jew. Hamas did what they did in October specifically in order to get Palestinians killed on CNN. As cynical as it is, that's literally the purpose--it is a strategy as old as terrorism. They are extremely clear about wanting the Israelis out of Palestine and dead, worldwide. The make no bones about it--ethnic cleansing is the stated goal. So if Israelis are not to wage war to extirpate that menace, what do you propose? Your arguments are specious. Saturation bombing? Charity requires that I assume you simply don't know what the word means. Nobody says "Every Muslim in the Levant is a genocidal monster and therefore should die." These are absurdities.