Ok, that's why men cheat, so why do women cheat? Despite the self-reported chastity of married women, it's pretty well established that women cheat roughly as often as men. And intuitively, it has to be so, unless a tiny number of women are getting a gigantic amount of action while all the contented wives stay home, bustling around the kitchen baking apple pies. And even if there are just a few very bad ladies having sex with all those millions of married men, there's still one woman having sex with a married man each married man each time a married man has sex with a woman who is not his wife. Why is the married man's behavior so heinous while the woman doing him doesn't even get a mention? I don't get why men the bad guys here. There's actually an easy mathematical explanation. In our culture, it's usually the man who makes the move, but it's the woman who determines whether the sex will happen. Not just in infidelity--in general. Thus men do essentially all of the asking, and mostly get turned down, while women scarcely have to ask at all. That would explain why men are perceived as being so promiscuous despite the fact that the sexes are equally unfaithful.