Nice summary, if depressing. Just this morning I saw a clip of a couple of dozen Haredi in Brooklyn furiously damning the Zionists and rooting for the Palestinans. We've now had three generations of Hamas raised on the mother's milk of genocidal antisemitism even as the generation that remembers the Holocaust dwindles away, not just here, but in Israel too. The one hopeful factor I think you omit is the wild card of Evangelical America. Don't laugh. Without those lunatics, Israel never have been a country. They've been the quiet driver of US policy in the Holy Land since Truman's day. Evangelicals don't care about the Jews per se, but without a Jewish state there will be no Second Coming of Jesus. The entire Book of Revelation goes back in the deep freeze and Armageddon will have to wait for some other generation. Evangelicals elected Donald Trump and could do it again for God's sake--I defy anyone to predict anything where they're involved. Here in the US a large segment of our legislature and at time, our executive branch operates under the assumption that Jesus is coming back any day now.