It's not even hard. People are desperate to talk to a live human, but electronics and the half-baked social skills they engender are crippling. Meeting people the old fashioned way is actually easier than ever because a stranger voluntarily communicating is so novel that it's like having a chipmunk jump up on your knee and beg for food. I think we somehow trained young people to feel emotionally destroyed by rejection. As an old person, I can tell you, that's new and weird. Look at old movies--people of the same or different sex approach each other and brush each other off without a thought, no offense given or taken. That's movies, not real life, but as a person who was alive a long time ago, that's the way I remember it actually being. Not just in a mating dance way--a few decades ago it was completely ordinary for people to just talk to almost anyone--other guys, old people, kids. You talked to the people on the other side of the lunch counter, people chatted at bus stops, in elevators. This whole modern thing of being mortified by inappropriate communication is what's new. It's also very regional. In places where people don't drive everywhere, like NYC, people talk to strangers without a thought. Try acting like a typical NY'er in a suburban mall sometime. They'd call security on you.