I'm an American almost seventy years old, and I have to wonder where you live or grew up. All of those points you say people make about "only prostitutes" etc. would have sounded ancient even when I was a child. Other than in a few outlier religious groups like the Amish and some true cults, this stuff went out early in the first half of the 20th Century. If you want to see what was culturally acceptable, look at old TV and movies (which have dominated and represented culture for a century now.) There weren't any stewardesses yet, but all of the others were culturally normal across American in 1930, almost a century ago, and the "old biddies" as they called them then, are mocked for their Victorian ways. Even my prim grandparents didn't say things like that, and they would be about 120 years old if they were still living. The things you are talking about mostly went out during and before the Edwardian Era, roughly 1900 to the start of WW1.