If I had just arrived from Mars and read this, I'd think, C'mon... this guy is exaggerating. The truth is so outrageous, so over-the-top, that it's literally hard to believe. Actually, I think this article is very fair. I'd only add that when the Muslims slaughter each other, or when non-Jews wage war on Muslims, it barely makes the news. But when the Jews are deliberately provoked into waging war on fanatics who swear daily to exterminate all Jews, not just Israelis, but world wide, they're held to a standard of humane warfare that no country in history has ever met. The Mossad should dedicate itself to systematically wiping the Hamas leadership from the face of the earth, relentlessly, and without any statute of limitations. Since 1948, the fanatics have rejected every solution other than Arab rule over the entire mandated Palestine. Enough is enough. The Israelis should not quit this fight until every person swearing loyalty to Hamas is dead.