I'd be the first to agree that something is deeply wrong but you overstate your case to the point of absurdity. Life at university run by "bands of patriarchal brothers?" "Screamed at at work, bullied demeaned and threatened?" No place I've ever been to school or worked and I've done everything from digging ditches to technology to software sales. Never once heard anyone yell, bully, or threaten in the workplace. Literally not once (and I've worked for fifty years.) The American working white working class bullying and lording it over Black people and other minorities? I'm sure it's happened--anything one can imagine has happened at some time-- but it would be most unusual. The weak kids mercilessly picked on by morons with bulging muscles with the teachers applauding them? Really? Where? Never saw it, and neither have any of my five kids. And definitely not with teachers approving or egging it on--that would be rapid career death nearly anywhere I know of in the US. Extreme brutality and violence perfectly normal? Simply not so. The US has a rate of violence similar to most Western European countries with one exception: we have an absurd murder rate because there are a truly insane number of guns, but the actual violent crime rate is if anything on the low side. Closer to Japan than to much of Europe. I have literally never heard an adult white person use the N-word to a person of color. Kids maybe, in some rural areas, but rarely a second time. You're right that the US bears much guilt for slavery, which was once legal and widespread in certain areas, but seem unaware that other areas fought the bloodiest war in American history to extirpate it. And "the average american impoverished?" It's simply not true. It's absurd that even 1% should be poor, but it's hardly the mean. I know of no authority on any side that puts the number of poor anywhere near 50%. It's simply not the case.