I think you're much too kind to (us) lefties. At least in the United States, the media, higher education, and a clutch of other institutions that dominate the public perception of what liberalism is have been are openly and stridently contemptuous of working class America. Within my memory, the Democrats were the party of the working person. With the rise of the "New Left" and Identity Politics in the late Sixties, it shifted radically. It's masked as defense of minority groups, but in fact, it's the class contempt of what I call "the blue-state college kids", who openly despise working people. The Republican "base" was our base prior to about 1968! For the first time in history, the leftist liberal establishment is openly contemptuous of the working class. It's ironic, because virtually all legislated liberal reforms since the 1930's rode in on the coattails of the economic measures enabled by the support of this demographic. Today, from working people to the solid middle, they are despised by the Left. Only minorities that can somehow be romanticized are tolerated, and the Left tries with little success to patch together a constituency from a host of minority groups that they contemptuously group together on the basis of not-being white. But minority America in their own eyes don't identify as "not-white." They identify as Black, Cuban, Indian, Mexican-American, and a host of other often mutually antagonistic groups. And white people, in their own eyes, aren't White. The are themselves a hundred particular identities. This is why the left (we) chronically fail now wheres we once enjoyed routine success. Race isn't actually the driver of politics in the US. That's a leftist trope. The overwhelming driver is class anxiety. What you call "the fascists" hate us because we hated them first. The epithet "racist" here isn't about race. It's first and foremost a class insult. Talk about dog-whistles.