I think people who think this way are actually converting their own hidden fears of such disability into hatred for those who are actually disabled. That's why they want them dead, rather than just not thinking about them. The stuff about what disabled people "cost" us is ballocks. Actually, a rich, healthy, and well-abled person consumes far more of society's wealth and goods than the poor or the disabled do. Those people (sometimes) get very modest welfare handouts and maybe some free medical benefits, but you have to have big money to really take advantage of the manifold ways that society distributes its goods. It's the rich who use the airplanes and airports, the highways, the high-end universities, and burn the oil and coal to heat massive houses, and by huge amounts of goods, all of which ultimately derive from materials which are taken from land. They begrudge the widow her mite, but of our wealth depends in thousands of diffuse ways on the shared infrastructure generated by our forebears, most of whom were poor, underpins even freshly made fortunes. The Ayn Rand idea of the self made rich and powerful person is nonsense. The closer you look, the more everything depends on having chosen your ancestors well.