I sure hope you're right. Bitcoin is a gigantic tragedy in the making. It's fine with me if true speculators lose money--that's just the game. You don't want to see them hurt, but it's just gambling; you take your chances. The thing is, the real money flowing in now is from the financial sheep. People are putting their retirement savings, and the money they're saving for down payments on houses. The sheep are staking their financial lives on it. They don't seem to grasp that ever dollar the gets spent for a coin is X dollars (where X>1) that someone has exchanged for a dollar-denominated unit of hope. Whenever it finally crashes, all of those hope-units are cancelled. It sounds hard, but the sooner it crashes the better because the total dollars and the proportion of the hope-tickets held by the sheep can only go up. Any pain that is forestalled today is just X times as much pain tomorrow. The whales and other canny speculators have been cashing out for years at a rate they modulate to maximize their dollar gain without crashing the market. My the time it finally dies, most of the billions that will be lost will have belonged to the same sheep who get fleeced in all of these bubbles.