I get the impulse, but actually putting faith in these kinds of efforts betrays a touching simplicity about how the world actually works. In a collapse of the kind that these efforts are intended to be a defense against, I seriously doubt that either the government or the neighbors would tolerate a group with access to abundant food and other creature comforts when massive famine strikes. Typically, in lesser disasters like wartime, rules against hoarding are put in place, which are the public manifestation of private jealousies. And in an event so bad that government control goes by the board, you would have Somalia-like local warlord control, where all bets are off. So I'm guessing that this level of prepping would probably prove self defeating, as the known concentration of food, weapons, and gold would be a honeypot for organized bandits. So IMO, these efforts only provide safety in the narrow band between where they aren't needed and where it's so bad that they inspire bigger bad guys to take it away from you.