I don't know whether or not the author is correct about every fact in his scathing indictment of Chomsky. But I do know that the sense of what he say accurately describes the position of much of the Western Left for the last century when it comes to genocide and mass atrocities committed by Marxist states and movements. (I'm an old fashioned lefty progressive myself, BTW.) Almost to a person, the European and North American Left loudly denied the Holodomor in the Ukraine in the early 1930's, and went after the few who tried to expose it as "fascists." Many still do, and they did this while somewhere between three and four million people were murdered. Not after---while. A tiny handful, like Orwell spoke out. The Left continued to deny that and other gigantic genocides by Stalin for fifty or sixty years on a purely partisan basis. The same for China--the left celebrated Mao and the CCP even as he was engaged in murdering millions and deliberately allowing several tens of millions more to die for political reasons. The same goes for any number of other communist movements and countries. It would take a page to even list the genocidal atrocities committed in the name of the worker's paradise. Even today, who talks about the fact that the Jews have been all but expelled from every North African, Middle Eastern, and most Central Asian countries in the last fifty years? The Left never discusses it, because we support Palestine in it's often and loudly proclaimed goal of eliminating the Jews from the one state in the regions where they still exist in any number. How many readers know that in many of these countries, which until recently had Jewish communities thousands of years old, the arguments among demographers today are whether the Jewish populations are zero or a handful? The atrocities of the left are gigantic even when compared to the atrocities of the Fascists, and it's the shame of progressives everywhere that they don't have the balls to face it an own up to it.