"From the river to the sea" isn't a slogan that can be "interpreted" as calling for the destruction of Israel. It is an explicit call for ethnic cleansing. Hamas and Hezbollah, loudly and explicitly call for the extermination of, not just the Israeli Jews, but of the Jews worldwide. And they, and their now tame-seeming ancestors like the PLO have been crystal clear on this since before the founding of Israel. I'm baffled and appalled that so-called progressives can now openly back organizations that have as their main, possibly, their only goal, exterminating Israel specifically because it is Jewish. The whole "colonialist" trope is nonsense. The majority of Israeli Jews are not European, being from the North African and Middle Eastern countries that expelled virtually their entire Jewish populations over the last few decades. And of those Jews that are descended from Europeans, so what? Are they saying that descendants of immigrants never become legitimate? Anyone in Europe who is not white will be distressed to hear it! As will the majority of inhabitants of North and South America. As will the the half of Palestinians who are ethically Egyptian, having immigrated in parallel with the Jews.