Another thoughtful piece, thank you. As an old person, I'd like to add something. Many young people have lost sight of the pace of progress in America. Segregation and the moon-shot program overlapped. I'm not yet 70, and I remember whites/colored signs. In less than a generation it changed wildly, from open racism and segregation to racism being shameful. I say this because, in my experience, individuals rarely change as adults. Social change basically means the young join the emerging new world, but you don't really cement the changes until the old people die off and the balance of power shifts to the formerly young. This is important because, from the late-Sixties until recently, it was absolutely unacceptable in most of America, at least for middle class people, to use racist or anti-semitic speech, and misogynistic speech was not far behind. In parallel to the shift in speech and manners, huge practical strides were made and progress was continual. Today, I see the excesses of the woke movement putting that progress in long term jeopardy. A political program to make race and gender identity the central thing about how people see themselves is a disastrously foolish political strategy. In the diversity of the cities, where media lives, people lose sight of the fact that either white men or white women **alone** outnumber all non-white citizens of both sexes combined. Moreover, the nonsensical category of "people of color" is extremely heterogeneous politically, and the constituent groups are often in overt conflict with each other---"non-white" is not a voting block. Fortunately, however, neither is "white," thank god. In fact, to express a "white" identity has long been a powerful class marker for convicts and the white underclass. I find the woke movement perverse and extremely alarming because it is actively working towards making a "white" identity a thing. For the first time in my adult life, I'm hearing young men, particularly but not exclusively white, openly angry about racial and gender issues, tired of having the ills of all of history openly blamed on them, and their sisters aren't far behind. I feel a tectonic shift in the 80% of America that the blue-state college kids are oblivious to. This slowly building resentment is what put Trump in power, and absolutely nothing says that Trump is as bad as it can get. The fact that this buffoon remains a plausible candidate even after scores of indictments, civil judgments for rape and defamation, and years of generally insane behavior should be deeply alarming to the left. Just as with the civil rights movement, the cohort of young coming of age will be moving steadily into the voting demographic. It's not as if the woke left needs to alienate vast numbers--half the country went for Trump last time. He won by 77,000 votes in 2016. That's a one sold out football stadium of voters.